Sunday, June 29, 2003

I caught the League of Conservation Voters' debate with the Democratic candidates this afternoon. (On channel 7 -- broadcast TV, no less!) I think the Dems may actually have learned something from the disciplined lockstep of the Republicans -- the candidates have been refraining from attacking each other, and focusing on attacking Bush. I know, it's really early still, and once the primaries get close the infighting will probably begin, but things are looking a little hopeful for once.

On the California front, well, I just don't know. Car alarm kingpin/plutocrat/recall bankroller Darrell Issa is facing questions about his possible involvement in three auto thefts, in 1971, 1972, and 1980. And Ah-nold Schwarzenegger is starting to get coverage from real reporters, who might just ask some real questions along the way. Will it be enough? I wish I could believe in the inherent intelligence of the voting public, but I have seen too many elections to fall for that one again. (sigh.)

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