Sunday, February 26, 2006

suddenly, tammy! - Beach Song

From 1994's Warner Bros. CD sampler, "Trademark of Quality":
We know that in the past we may have seemed, well, a little cocky. Maybe even snotty. But all that's changed. If you don't like this music, please don't hestiate to tell us. You know, if you like the big guitar solos or girls singing "ooh, daddy," maybe we could find more artists who make music like that. Just tell us. Hey, if you don't like that, maybe we could cook you dinner or something. Will you call us? You know, only if you're not too busy. Will you call our parenst and let them know we're alright? They worry about us. But don't tell them about this sampler. Because all of the tracks are can't-get-anywhere-else one-offs that won't directly promote any of our product--the already nostalgic result of the insane notion of running an artist-oriented record label. It was too late to stop this one. Please. We'll do anything you want.

suddenly, tammy! - Beach Song

Extra bonus track: suddenly, tammy! - Places We Go


Also, it looks like this Google Pages thing is really going to work out for me. Especially the 100 MB file storage (see links above).

Monday, February 20, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Ask MetaFilter vs. Logic Problem

The only thing we have to fear itself. And Dracula.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Dear Friends -
You know how it is. You're working in an office, but TPTB* have made the decision to slowly downsize the permanent staff, and rely mainly on temps. (The MAN has his reasons, stupid and self-destructive though they may be.)

So your collective continuity, your knowledge base, is gone, mostly replaced by a bunch of people who are just killing time until the next paycheck. You've never had a definitive manual for your department's policies and practices -- you've never needed one until now. How, in this 21st Century, Information Superhighway era, do you tap the knowledge of the remaining fulltimers in a way that all your staff can access? And how can you do it for free?

One word: WIKI.

Your pal MRJEFF's choice for this solution? PBWiki (much thanks to No, I'm not going to give you a link to the wiki I've created - there's far too much confidential information on it. Besides, you need a password, and I'm not going to tell you that, either. But it's a great tool for the sharing -- and updating -- of knowledge. AND FREE. Highly recommended!

Check out the PBwiki tour!

Get a free wiki at

PBwiki logo

* The Powers That Be

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Evolution Sunday: Feb 12, 2006

(From the Clergy Letter Project)
On 12 February 2006 hundreds of Christian churches from all portions of the country and a host of denominations will come together to discuss the compatibility of religion and science. For far too long, strident voices, in the name of Christianity, have been claiming that people must choose between religion and modern science. More than 10,000 Christian clergy have already signed The Clergy Letter demonstrating that this is a false dichotomy. Now, on the 197th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, many of these leaders will bring this message to their congregations through sermons and/or discussion groups. Together, participating religious leaders will be making the statement that religion and science are not adversaries. And, together, they will be elevating the quality of the national debate on this topic.

Sadly missing from both the list of congregations, or the list of clergy: the Christian Reformed Church in North America. (C'mon, guys - the RCA is all over the place in the clergy list! What are you afraid of?)

Edit: double-checking, I found one! The Rev. John Terpstra, Pastor, Immanuel Christian Reformed Church, Fort Collins, CO -- YOU ROCK! Still: no Van Antwerpen, no Marlink, no Van der Klay. (sigh)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Window Office

Yer pal MRJEFF's department has been moved (for a few months, anyway) to a new office down the street. And this one has a window!

Totally awesome!