Saturday, December 31, 2005

Pissed Off Residents Paint Over PSP Ads - Kotaku

Pissed Off Residents Paint Over PSP Ads - Kotaku

Man, I'd hate to work for the company that came up with that ad campaign.

Oh, wait. I do.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Jack Dempsey Fish

Maybe fifteen or so years too late, but this is for all a y'all hatas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A Comics Blogging.

Don't worry about being nerdy. Just go to Kelvin's Brainsplurge! for a little lowbrow humor.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

C----\D-- Christmas Party 2005

Oh, what a time I had!

Ha, ha - just kidding! Your Pal MRJEFF didn't actually get a vile affliction of the naughty bits - that image is really from inSPOT LA's anonymous notification service for filthy degenerates and fornicators. "Drugs, not hugs," - that's MRJEFF's motto!