Tuesday, May 25, 2004

God Damned Fucking Idiot Pundits

From the pot-calling-the-kettle-black department: A Fox News discussion between host Eric Burns and syndicated blowhard Cal Thomas:
ERIC BURNS: Al Neuharth, moderate, founder of "USA Today" says this: "The war in Iraq is the biggest military mess miscreated in the Oval Office and miscarried by the Pentagon in my 80-year lifetime."  Neuharth wants the troops out of Iraq and President Bush out of office.  Neuharth says Bush should not run for re-election.

Cal, "USA Today," largest circulation of any paper in the country, not a liberal fashion by any means.  What does it mean that the founder of this paper has turned on the administration?

CAL THOMAS:  Nothing.  He's no Walter Cronkite and this is not Vietnam.  To make an over-the-top comment like Al Neuharth did that this is worse than ever, ignores Vietnam and the experience, which was a far worse war with far more casualties.  Being an opinion writer is like being a perpetual adolescent.  You can have opinions on everything and take responsibility for nothing.  His opinions don't mean anything.  They don't have all the facts.
Mr. Thomas is, of course, himself an "opinion writer". I'll let you create your own syllogisms.
BURNS:  There are some shows on all-news cable in which the opinions do matter though, don't you think?

THOMAS:  Oh yes, on ours, of course, and including the one I just I gave.

BURNS:  Not to be too defensive.

No, not at all...

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