Monday, June 19, 2006


The Absorbascon's "Scipio" has had a couple of really good posts this week. Due to the reverse-chronological nature of blogging, I read the second one first - a wonderful reintroduction to the Batman villain Professor Radium. (Comics blogs + scanners + free image hosting = crazy delicious!) Good stuff, Maynard.

The other post is an analysis of the latest issue of DC Comics' 52-week series, "52" (#6). Or, more specifically, of the writing on the blackboard left behind by the missing time travel expert Rip Hunter. This led, in comments, to added analysis of the clues hidden in the comments of mad scientist T.O. Morrow, and of the secrets behind the Chinese superhero team, The Great Ten. Both commenter Jamie Ott and I noticed a disturbing possibility -- that the mastermind behind the Great Ten may well be the Silver Age Wonder Woman villain (and hideous Sixties racial stereotype) EGG-FU!

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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