Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Dear Friends -
You know how it is. You're working in an office, but TPTB* have made the decision to slowly downsize the permanent staff, and rely mainly on temps. (The MAN has his reasons, stupid and self-destructive though they may be.)

So your collective continuity, your knowledge base, is gone, mostly replaced by a bunch of people who are just killing time until the next paycheck. You've never had a definitive manual for your department's policies and practices -- you've never needed one until now. How, in this 21st Century, Information Superhighway era, do you tap the knowledge of the remaining fulltimers in a way that all your staff can access? And how can you do it for free?

One word: WIKI.

Your pal MRJEFF's choice for this solution? PBWiki (much thanks to Lifehacker.com). No, I'm not going to give you a link to the wiki I've created - there's far too much confidential information on it. Besides, you need a password, and I'm not going to tell you that, either. But it's a great tool for the sharing -- and updating -- of knowledge. AND FREE. Highly recommended!

Check out the PBwiki tour!

Get a free wiki at PBwiki.com.

PBwiki logo

* The Powers That Be


Matt said...

Free novels like No Dead Trees available there too.

J said...

The more important thing is, they followed through and doubled my storage space once I let them know I posted a blog entry about PBWiki.

I feel like such a whore.