Tuesday, July 12, 2005

National Treasure

My roommate Mike, every so often, gets phone messages from people who are under the impression that he can help them get their scripts made into movies. We don't know why. Here's one that we got last week:
My name is Jeff Jones. My number is (724)637-xxxx*. I don't know if you're the right person to talk to about this. But, uh, I discovered a very interesting historical mystery and secret. Obviously very, uh, important enough that I've been somewhat blackballed. I cannot get the story out anywhere.

The story that I have is the true story of the National Treasure In other words, Jon Turteltaub got hold of my story from a friend of mine, and rewrote the story, and fictionalized it.

The story of the National Treasure is really a true story of myself and my great-great grandfather who was a minuteman at the battle of the Concord and Lexington. And I have a real cryptic. I don't know how I can explain this to anybody. And I realize you don't take solicite...unsolicitated, uh, stories and stuff, but, uh, I don't know what else to do.

I cannot get this story out. I've tried the BBC, PBS, uh, the History Detectives, Oregon Films, Lion Films...EVERYBODY.

I have literally been blackballed because of all this. All I know is that I have one of the most incredible stories that has ever been discovered in 200 years and I have been blackballed to get this story out. Like I said, Jon Turteltaub took my real story and fictionalized it and I suspect that's where I'm having the problem at.

I don't know if you're the right person to get this story to. But, um, I don't have anywhere else to turn. Ah, my life has been destroyed over this. Ah...if you can help me or are interested in this story... [chokes up] ...please call me.
Best of luck, Jeff!

(* 2983)


Matt said...

Wait, this was a real message left on your phone?

J said...

It sure was. Somewhere along the line somebody got hold of my roommate's name and our phone number, and that somehow ended up on a list of People Who Can Help You Get Your Script Made Into A Movie (at least that's our hypothesis). This was simply the most recent, and by far the most entertaining message.