Sunday, September 26, 2004

Masterful...(see it now)

So, the other day I'm over at Salon. As you no doubt are aware, they rely on a "day pass" -- a commercial that you have to watch in order to unlock that day's content -- to maintain profitability. This day's sponsor was Olive Films' Notes From Underground. Ordinarily, I ignore the ad until it's over and I can click into the content I really want to see. But for some reason one critic's quote caught my eye:
"Masterful...(see it now) - Matt Langdon, Film Threat
Hey, I thought. I wonder if Matt knows that he's been blurbified. So I dutifully made a screen grab and emailed it to Everyone's Favorite Underrated Movie Critic, and he has helpfully provided the Secret Origin of his quote.


Of course, a little attribution would be nice.

This is because I went out to lunch with my staff on the day you dropped by, isn't it? It was Roger's birthday, dammit! What was I supposed to do?

1 comment:

Matt said...

You've been awknowledged. Good work. Masterful!