Sunday, June 06, 2004


Late this afternoon, your pal MRJEFF went on down to Gates Kingsley & Gates Moeller Murphy Funeral Directors (aka The Little Chapel of the Dawn) in order to see just what-all was going on down at the place where Mr. Reagan's body is being kept until it is sent to the Capitol to lie in state. (I had recognized the building from some of the live shots on TV. It's on 20th Street in Santa Monica, which is a very hand route for north-south travel if you want to avoid Lincoln Blvd.) Both 20th Street and Arizona were blocked off for a block or so in all directions from the intersection, and various newsvans were there, ready for live shots just in case. There were around a hundred people there, most of whom were lined up awaiting their turn to be allowed past the police tape to place flowers, or a flag, or some other token next to the fountain in front of the funeral home.

Your humble narrator meditated upon the situation for a short while. And then went to the Gap.

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