Friday, August 13, 2004

Danny Boy

News from the mysterious East!

It's not often that MRJEFF can do his small part in this whole corrupt networking/logrolling thing, but longtime chum Dan Renkin sends word of recent career doings:

New York, NY: Caucasian Chalk Kurosawa (fight direction) "There are cool sword fights (by Dan Renkin and Brad Lemons), and grade-A nifty plastic-and-fishnet costumes (Virigina Tuller) and a healthy dose of East Village Wierdness."

Bridgeport, CT: Shakespeare at the Zoo - A Midsummer Night's Dream (Nicholas Bottom) "I would be remiss if I did not point out that the entire cast did an outstanding job. Dan Renkin as Nicholas Bottom, the pompous actor who is turned into a donkey, delivers an absolutely hilarious performance. Thanks in large part to his performance, the park not only was filled with exotic sounds and sights, but also with the happiest sound in the world - children's laughter. Every time Bottom hee-hawed or spoke donkinese, children in the audience laughed without reserve."

Boston, MA:
As Bees in Honey Drown "Fight choreographers Brad Lemons and Dan Renkin construct a very convincing melee."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"You rock, sir!" says Mr. Anonymous Dan