Tuesday, December 23, 2003

BUSH MATH--41, 43, 44

We at MRJEFF3000 were pointed toward this September 2003 US News webpage by an Atrios comment. Look halfway down for the money paragraph.
His dad, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, calls him "son." His friends call him "P." But President Bush, America's 43rd, and his dad, the 41st president, call George P. Bush something else: "44." Insiders say it's just for fun but also an acceptance that the most political of former President George H.W. Bush's grandkids is itching for a public career, including a distant shot at the White House.

Merry Christmas, y'all.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Long story; short pier.: Stella.

Every so often I like to revisit the lies surrounding the case of Stella Liebeck, just to see how high I can make my blood pressure go. Long story: short pier has a pretty darn complete recap of the facts.

(We'll probably return to this subject in a few months.)

Sunday, December 21, 2003

FARK.com: Comments Thingee (765221)

Quote of the Day (from a Fark thread):

2003-12-21 09:04:02 PM tinrobot

You'd think that at least ONE of these candidates would consider using Clinton's "centrist" tactics.

Yeah, like Bush has been a 'centrist' since he was selected.

Chimpy's driven his administration so far to the right, he's crossed the bike lane and is now killing pedestrians.
emphasis & color added, natch

Listen to this!

Here's a little rundown of the online presence of the stuff MRJEFF is listening to these days:

Saturday, December 20, 2003

"The late Strom Thurmond, who once tried to boycott a washing machine because it let in colored laundry, was revealed as a fraud this week by a child of his who would have, well, stood out in the Thurmond family portrait."

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

New York Post Online Edition: seven

Joy! Miramax Press will publish in 2005 Spy: The Funny Years! (I've already started saving my pennies.)

Friday, December 12, 2003

Your tax dollars at work:
To amend section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes. (Introduced in House)

HR 3687 IH


1st Session

H. R. 3687

To amend section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes.


December 8, 2003

Mr. OSE (for himself and Mr. SMITH of Texas) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary



To amend section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1464 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--

(1) by inserting `(a)' before `Whoever'; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

`(b) As used in this section, the term `profane', used with respect to language, includes the words `shit', `piss', `fuck', `cunt', `asshole', and the phrases `cock sucker', `mother fucker', and `ass hole', compound use (including hyphenated compounds) of such words and phrases with each other or with other words or phrases, and other grammatical forms of such words and phrases (including verb, adjective, gerund, participle, and infinitive forms).'.
(via Atrios)

Of course, as Adam Felber has pointed out, a sufficiently clever writer can work within the system.

Bob's Dinosaurs Attack! HomePage

Dinosaurs Attack!

Thursday, December 11, 2003


This is what they say. It's almost true.
found via Sarah, of whom I learned via Matt.

You're Avante Garde Indie. You listen to abstract
music like free-jazz and Krautrock. You drink
too much coffee and you scare the fuck out of
the rest of us. We're afraid to call you
pretentious because we know that we all just
don't get it. There are few of you out there,
and most of you will probably die soon.

You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


Created by Anu

From wordsmith.org, via linkfilter.

Shave the Moon!

At last it can be told: the true story of the Apollo missions.

Shave the Moon!

Monday, December 08, 2003

Sunday, December 07, 2003

I finally ate the Skittles I bought at O'Hare on Monday.

Best 79¢ I ever spent.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Plastic: But We've Got A Great Personality

File this away for later (from a recent Plastic.com thread):

"Yeah, it's sad when you're not even cool on the internet."

Well, fuck me.

"I mean, when I voted for the war, I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, 'I'm against everything'? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did."

- Senator John Kerry, in this week's Rolling Stone.

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Oh, here it is: the Terich brothers' website, treblezine.com.

News from the East!

News arrives from longtime friend and associate of the MRJEFF3000 organization Dan Renkin. We reproduce his correspondence here:
If your circle of friends & family includes younger children--
--or if you consider yourself to still BE a younger child!--

Come see Dan Renkin dance Drosselmeyer for New York Theatre Ballet!

THE NUTCRACKER at Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th Street
Performances at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:30 pm
Saturday, Dec. 13th & 20th
Sunday, Dec. 14th & 21st

Choreographer: Keith Michael
Music: Peter Tchaikovsky
Costumes: Sylvia Taalsohn Nolan
Sets: Gilllian Bradshaw-Smith

New York Theatre Ballet's one-hour production of The Nutcracker is
designed especially for children and families. It is based on lithographs from
the English Toy Theatre or "Juvenile Drama" of the early 19th Century.

Hundreds of operas and plays were at that time produced in the form of
paper cut-out books, complete with sets, properties, characters, and costume
changes. Offered in either "penny plain" (black and white line drawings) or
"two-pence coloured" (elegant multi-colored lithographs), a child's toy
theatre helped many an afternoon in the nursery pass with industry and

NYTB's Nutcracker premiered at the Riverside Dance Festival in New York
City in 1984 and has since been presented to hundreds of thousands of people
in the New York City region and across the United States.
"Dan Renkin's benevolent Drosselmeyer and Elena Zahlmann's Clara were
the standouts...the NYTB "Nutcracker" offers a warm and inviting community
feeling and generous spirit..."
--The Dance Insider

"A perfect welcome to the enchanted worlds of The Nutcracker and the
-- New York Newsday

"Why The Nutcracker? There's joy in the Nutcracker. Ask any of the
4,000 people who packed New York's Winter Garden, to watch a condensed
version performed by New York Theatre Ballet. In the first row a two-year-old
sat on her mother's lap, transfixed. She looked around only once, when the
snow scene began, in the most wonderful moment of the Nutcracker season."
-- Newsweek

" ...the production is charming. The children in the audience--and they
were packed to the rafters--adored the ballet."
-- Village Voice

Information & Box Office:

Ticketmaster: 212-307-4100
[From Ticketmaster, specify the one-hour
Nutcracker at Gould Hall of the French Institute]


Visit Dan Online!

Tuesday, December 02, 2003


Here is the most important lesson I learned on my recent excursion to the Dutch-settled farmlands of western Michigan: If someone offers you an innocent-seeming little button of Dutch licorice, even if that someone is your own father, do not accept. And if you do take it, just to be polite, FOR GOD'S SAKE DO NOT PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH.

The Dutch, you see, do very strange things to licorice. They have one brand in particular, Double Zout (DZ). Which, of course, means "double salt".

Now, I knew that the Dutch made salty licorice. I have dim memories of elderly acquaintances with thick accents tricking me into eating some of the stuff. (They lied to me - they called it candy.) But that was well over twenty years ago. How bad could it really be, I thought? Besides, we were in Holland, at a frickin' wooden shoe factory. I was swept up in the moment. I was weak.

So I slipped this little black button into my mouth. Which, as far as I can tell from the taste, contained ALL THE SALT IN THE WORLD. I could feel my entire face puckering as it had never puckered before, into a tiny point where my mouth used to be. I tried to say "Wow, that's strong," but I think a muted wuh! was all that came out.

And it was a hard little bugger, too, like a really stiff eraser. Chewing it was out of the question. All I could do was move it around in my mouth, wincing every time it touched my tongue. (I didn't want to just leave it between cheek and gum, because I was afraid that if the DZ sat in any one place for very long it would start eating a hole in my flesh.) Eventually I found an opportune place to spit it out.

Bad-candy.com has written about Double Zout, but they seem to have gotten one fact wrong. The salt in DZ is not, in fact, table salt (sodium chloride). It is, if I am not mistaken, instead the rather nastier tasting aluminum chloride.

I can still taste it. I think I always will.

Monday, December 01, 2003


Back from Thanksgiving in Western Michigan. Family's good, and all, but really - limits must be set.

Saturday, November 22, 2003


If anyone can tell me the location of the Terich brothers' "crunk" new website I'd be most grateful.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Survey: employees overworked, stressed out, fed up - Nov. 11, 2003

Yikes! I knew it was bad, but not this bad. CNN reports that eight out of ten employees plan to look for another job once the economy picks up again.
Many employees are overworked, stressed out, fed up -- and eager to quit their jobs once the economy picks up. In fact, worker angst is so pronounced it has surprised even the most tuned-in human resource professionals. They say employee anger is now almost palpable.
Well, at least I'm in good company. (So to speak)

Saturday, November 08, 2003

The People! United! etc.

No Ralphs, no Vons, no Pavilions. And no Borders, no Amazon.com.


Palaeos is an incredible palaeontology/evolution/geochronology/ecology website that you can get lost in for hours. This is the kind of thing that hypertext was made for, kids.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

D&X procedure (a.k.a.Partial Birth Abortion) - All sides

Much talk lately about the horrors of the so-called "Partial Birth Abortion". But what exactly is it?

From www.religioustolerance.org, some information about what obstetricians and gynecologists call Dilation and Extraction.

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I think that I shall never see...

Autumn color in the Sierra, courtesy of the Sacramento Bee.

Wingnut Debating School

The always informative Atrios brings us a collection of rhetorical tactics misused by right wingers in their arguments: the War on Metaphor, the War on Analogy, Pick the Definition, and the Obsession with Irrelevant Context.

Monday, November 03, 2003

Radio Darvish

Radio Darvish, an online radio station dedicated to Persian traditional music. (I prefer the instrumental works over the vocal pieces, but chacun à son goût, as the Persians say.)

Sunday, November 02, 2003

Yahoo! News - Bicyclists Accuse DJs of Inciting Attacks

Every so often we like to do another "Clear Channel Sucks" post, and, obligingly, Clear Channel helps us out by doing something particularly idiotic. Clear Channel DJs in Cleveland, Houston and Raleigh (if that's where they really were) encouraged drivers to intimidate, and even assualt bicyclists. The three stations have apologized, and Clear Channel has donated $10,000 and air time to promote bicycle safely.

Friday, October 31, 2003

A sampling of the spam "names" in my email inbox right now:

  • Hartquist Langlands
  • Rothbart Rodeen
  • Alden Livingston
  • Liza H. White
  • Larochelle Asbury
  • Charlyn Chang
  • Stefanie Summers
  • Rosario C. Wilkerson
  • Stram Hoots
  • Layla Fox
  • Chima Bendlage
  • Maryanne Bravo
  • Irwin H. Aguilar
  • Essie Fitzgerald
  • Luis Sutton
  • Thaddeus Dodge
  • Lenore Kemp
  • Lydia Cantu
  • Litvin Michelman
  • Mark Xiong
  • Melisa Beal
  • Sue Mock
  • Terrance Terich

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

The Davis Enterprise 10/29/03

"Nancy Servis watched the demolition of the Pence Gallery this morning with the mixed emotions that often come at the end of one stage of life and the beginning of a new one."

There Is No There There, Part XXVIII

Friday, October 24, 2003

mrjeff3000`s Fotolog


CNN.com - Solar burst could scramble phones, power lines - Oct. 24, 2003

Freaky Sky Friday: Not only is the local atmosphere looking like another planet, what with the smoke from the San Bernadino fires to the east and the fog coming off the ocean, but now we hear that a giant magnetic storm ejected from the sun is about to hit the earth.

Everything is orange, and there's a faint smell of smoke.

I shoulda stood in bed.

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Guardian Unlimited Books | By genre | Behind the masks

Philip Pullman, in The Guardian, on Maus.

Shut UP!

If you have access to Apple's iTunes Music Store, you can purchase -- or at the very least, preview -- Bill O'Reilly's Those Who Trespass... (read by the author!)

"..did not want to be recognized. The man staring at Costello wanted complete anonymity. The ferry from Woods Hole on Cape Cod had carried this observer to Vineyard Haven just three hours prior. He checked into a small bed-and-breakfast house a few yards away from the ferry terminal, and soon after, took a cab to the media center located in an elementary school just outside of Edgartown. Telling the cabbie to wait, the man circled the media center while staying close to the wall. He wanted no one to see him.

Then he was handed his first stroke of luck. On the door outside the center, a posted sign told of that evening's party in Edgartown. Knowing how Rod Costello operated away from home, he suspected Costello would be there. He was about to do something he had never done before. It had taken him more than a year to decide to act, but now he was determined and apprehensive. The man in the shadows watched patiently as Costello began speaking to a well-built brunette. Though much too far away to hear the conversation, he sensed what was going on.

"Let's get out of here. I have some really good weed back at the hotel."

"Ron, you know I don't smoke. Beside, what would your wife say?"

"We're separated."

"Oh, bullshit, Ron."

"She's in D.C., and I'm here. That's separated, Suzanne."

The young woman silently sighed, her brown eyes darting to the floor. She wanted no part of the disagreeable Ron Costello. Her friends at GNN had warned her about the lecherous correspondent..."

Monday, October 20, 2003

The recent trip up to Bellevue and the Seattle area reminds me, in conjunction with one of the staff favorites on the Apple iTunes Music Store, of the last time my family went up to Washington, when my aunt and uncle and cousins were brand new to Bellevue in 1986. The main things I remember about that trip were an image - the sky, overcast, as we passed through Tacoma near the end of our journey north toward Lake Washington, past 255th (or some other incredibly high number) Street; and listening to Suzanne Vega's eponymously titled debut album on my cassette player.

Every so often, as I realize that the music of my youth is turning twenty, or twenty-five, it reminds me that I'm not just a grown-up. I'm those people who, when I was younger, were remembering the "summer of love", and Woodstock, and disco. That was my senior year in high school, the year that Sgt. Pepper came out on CD 20 years after its original release. Now I'm the one reminiscing about Suzanne Vega and Stop Making Sense and Men at Work (Business as Usual was voted top album of 1982-1983 by my seventh grade class).

I think I'm starting to get it now...

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Time-lapse photography is really cool. And kind of creepy.

Friday, October 17, 2003


Well, it's the talk of the blogosphere, so I figure I might as well get on board. The much-anticipated iTunes for Windows is out, and it's pretty darn good. One of my favorite things about the program is the crossfade feature, which fades out on one song as the next fades in -- it makes me feel like a classy big shot radio station!

And, of course, there's the famous iTunes Music Store, now open to a much, much wider customer base. And there's some good deals to be had there, too. $9.99 for Los Lobos' Just Another Band from East L.A. (41 songs!) $9.99 for Elvis: 30 #1 Hits (31 songs!) $6.93 for Miles Davis's Bitches Brew (7 tracks, originally on two albums!)

And - here's what I can't wait for - in the early months of next year, Pepsi will be giving away 100,000,000 iTunes songs! (Send your winning Pepsi bottle caps to: MRJEFF3000, c/o mrjeff3000.blogspot.com, kids!)

Thursday, October 16, 2003



You have been warned.
Our most recent Plastic.com QuickLink:

States' Rights Screws Democrats
Not only did Al Gore lose the presidency to George W. Bush despite Gore receiving half a million more votes, the Senate's representation is even more lopsided.

Thanks, TAPPED's Matthew Yglesias!

Happy Halloween, y'all.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Well, the supermarket workers are on strike down here in Southern California, home of the MRJEFF3000 organization. We thought about unpacking our megaphone and black armband (oh, the memories, of Seattle and the WTO, and before that, occupying the dean's office in '69. And, of course, that unpleasantness in Haymarket Square. So don't you question our credentials, Mr. Establishment!), but instead settled for shopping at Trader Joe's. The People! United! and all that. (All kidding aside, I'm going to have to look around for my grocery shopping in the short term. Official MRJEFF3000 policy is: don't cross the picket line.)

I dunno. I like the proletariat, sure, but my cultural values are solidly with the bourgeoisie. Anyway. To make up for the guilt I downloaded several versions of the Internationale.

So come brothers and sisters
For the struggle carries on
The internationale
Unites the world in song
So comrades come rally
For this is the time and place
The international ideal
Unites the human race

Can I get that in Esperanto?

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Point and shoot

On a lighter -- and sexier -- note, New York Magazine's website notes that Spike Lee, Mike Figgis, Neil LaBute, and Kevin Smith will direct photo shoots for Playboy's 50th anniversary issue.

"But it’s not the first time that directors have taken the bunny dollar. For the January ’78 issue, Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni, and Louis Malle directed shoots that 'illustrated what they thought was erotic,' says a company mouthpiece, who adds that Hugh Hefner wasn’t involved with the project: 'He only deals with the Playmates.'"

CA Secretary of State - Vote2003 - Map - - Shall Gray Davis be recalled?

As of this posting, both Yolo and Los Angeles counties are at 51% pro-recall, says the map.

I'll have a much better time of accepting the recall if only these two can swing back across the 50% sane line again...

UPDATE -- Okay, that's better.

Silver linings

Okay, so let's look at the bright side:
  • Gray Davis, California's version of Al Gore (only without the people skills) is finally out of politics. Forever, if we're lucky.
  • Whatever his faults (and many they are) Ahnold is a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, socially liberal Republican-in-name-only.
  • Just as with the 2000 national election, there is now a very angry, very committed, very vocal bunch of people who will make absofuckinglutely certain that we elect a Democratic governor at the next election.
You know who I'm really disappointed by? Larry Flynt. What happened to him? All through the Clinton impeachment days, Flynt was popping up with Fun Facts about the hypocritical Republicans. And then he announces his candidacy and then he falls off the face of the earth. Why didn't he uncover all these women who Arnold groped months ago?


The Philadelphia Inquirer corrects an error:
In Sunday's Arts & Entertainment section, an article about the film Kill Bill erroneously referred to Ricardo Montalban's character in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan as a Klingon. Khan was an evil human bent on universal domination, though he does quote a Klingon proverb.

which, of course leads to this exchange:
From FRANK AHRENS: I suppose a generous reader would allow the spirit of the Philadelphia Inquirer's correction re Ricardo Montalban's role as Khan Noonien Singh in "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," and would appreciate, as doubtless would Mr. Montalban, clearing up the fact that he played a human rather than a Klingon, a mistake that is an insult to both species. But the letter of the law would insist on clarifying that Khan, while indeed human, could hardly have been labeled "an evil human bent on universal domination." Rather, he was a product of his times, a superhuman who was bred to be smarter, stronger and more aggressive during the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s. And universal domination? I think not. Rather, Khan is propelled by the entirely sympathetic motivation of avenging his wife's death after he and his people were marooned on a planet that proved barely habitable by Capt. James T. Kirk, who failed to check on their progress, leaving them victim to sandstorms and nasty little creatures that deposit their larvae in victims's ears and wind themselves around the brain stem, bringing madness and a yearning for the sweet relief death would bring.

* * *

From FRANK HAYES: Subject: Frank Ahrens' letter. I was shocked -- shocked! -- to see Frank Ahrens' obvious distortion of history in criticizing that Philadelphia Inquirer correction. As a little research with Google easily turns up, Khan Noonien Singh is hardly just "a product of his times" who's merely avenging his wife's death, as Ahrens suggests. The guy started World War III, for petesake! This is clearly another example of a Beltway insider attempting to bury the sordid past of one of his neofascist heroes. Or maybe it's a typical media liberal making apologies for a notorious terrorist. It's so hard to keep these things straight these days.

All via the ever-informative Romanesko at Poynter.org...

Sunday, October 05, 2003

Fanatical Apathy: Transcript of Call to Bob Novak, 7/13/03

The ever-intrepid Adam Felber has actually obtained a transcript of the infamous Robert Novak/senior administration official phone call of 7/13. They give out Pulitzers for this kind of work, don't they?

Thursday, October 02, 2003

New York Daily News - Home - Rush Limbaugh in pill probe

No, honestly. Pity is what I have for Mr. Limbaugh. Nothing but pity for his addiction to illegal drugs.

It's sad, really. Here's hoping he avoids prison time. I mean, "clandestine handoffs in a Denny's parking lot"? But that's just my bleeding heart. If only I were conservative. Then I could just say that he got what he deserved.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Women Say Schwarzenegger Groped, Humiliated Them

"Did he rape me? No," said one woman, who described a 1980 encounter in which she said Schwarzenegger grabbed her breast. "Did he humiliate me? You bet he did.""

Our next governor.


This evening's drudgereport.com:




Plus, the big fat idiot has resigned from ESPN in the wake of his people-are-only-saying-good-things-about-Donovan-McNabb-because-he's-a-Negro comments of the other day.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003


All the political bloggers are posting, posting, posting about the Plame Affair, but my god! thatAtrios is on fire! (Too many links to link individually)

Monday, September 29, 2003

Welcome to the MrJeff 2000 Experience

What the hell?!?!?

I am this close to calling the whole MRJEFF3000 thing off!

Sack! Pillage! Peacekeep!

"Captain Byambaa Chinzorig is, perhaps not surprisingly, a little touchy about 1258 and all that. When Mongolian forces last came to Iraq, led by the great warrior Prince Hulagu, grandson of Genghis Khan, they sacked Baghdad, killed an estimated 800,000 people, brought to a bloody end the Abbasid caliphate and destroyed a vast array of ornate public buildings and a sophisticated irrigation system. Today, 745 years later, their plans are much more modest. "

trials; tribulations.

Plastic is down again. Damn it all! Damn it all to hell! Don't toy with me like this, Steadman!

ICv2 News - Fantagraphics To Reprint The Complete Peanuts

Word comes, via MetaFilter, that Fantagraphics will be reprinting the entire 50-year run of Peanuts, in 25 volumes. While, sadly, the strips from the eighties and nineties weren't very good, in the early days this comic was pretty darn groundbreaking.

Sunday, September 28, 2003

Welcome on Emmanuelle.net

Une amie francophone makes the interesting observation that, in her opinion, "Arnold Schwarzenegger has an accent much less pronounced than today." Her suggestion for the reason? Ah-nold isn't smoking pot any more.

Margaret Cho BLOG

Margaret Cho -- the BLOG. Hooray!

Speaking of Korean chicks, where's your blog, Sueann? Or are you too busy winning fabulous vacations and posing in wedding photos - is that it? Seriously, dude - I've got plenty of vacation time. Take me with you.

Flip Flop Flyin'

A recent MeFi posting tripped a switch in my brain, reminding me of minipops.

I had forgotten what they were called, so I had been aimlessly looking for the site for probably two years (when I remembered to look, of course). Hooray!

Now, off to the museum with you!

Friday, September 26, 2003

Plastic.com has been offline for the past few days. (Don't worry -- it's up now!) Some were scared, but I wasn't worried -- we've been through worse before.

briankiel dot blog: Old-fashioned lock-in at Chiat/Day

It looks like I'm not the only blogstar who survived Thursday. The line at the cafeteria was hell, I tells ya!

Two more Chiat-based blogifiers: Krisr.com and Star-la.com. More as I find 'em.

PS - Ex-temp Mary no longer seems to be blogging at the Payne Pages blogspot site. These days all the Kool Kids have their own domain names.

Shut up! Shut up!

In the vein of last Friday's "Talk Like A Pirate Day," Atrios has brought us "Talk Like Bill O'Reilly Day". Has he ever. The thing is, while we can all talk like pirates until the cows come home, nobody, it seems, can stand to imitate O'Reilly for more than an hour or two.

Fanatical Apathy: Dem Debate Snubs Felber

Missed the Democratic presidential debate t'other day? Don't worry -- Adam Felber breaks it down for you.

Thursday, September 25, 2003


Once again, FOX News shows that they are the classiest fucking news network around.

UPDATE - Okay, they've gone and changed the phone number to one that will get you to CNN. But earlier, they had posted Tucker Carlson's home phone number.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Eric Alterman: Altercation#030923

Charlie Pierce doesn't just write great little messages to Eric Alterman's Altercation, this week he's a-fillin' in.

B0000C88HW.01.MZZZZZZZ.jpg 150x150 pixels

'Bout damn time.

Fame! I'm gonna live forever!

Being famous does have some advantages, points out Heather Havrilevsky in her article on the Emmys in Salon.
Like when you break up with your fiancé and they make about 15 or 20 cruel jokes about it on the Emmys. Or when your sudden death is teased repeatedly on national TV. That's what it's all about, you know?

Sunday, September 21, 2003


What has MRJEFF3000 learned from the 2003 Emmys?

1. That Seven of Nine chick is pretty hot, and she's got a nice big rack.

2. That Alicia Silverstone chick is pretty hot, and she's got a nice small rack.

That said, ON TO 2004!

Friday, September 19, 2003

Nobody Died When Clinton Lied

Recently somebody has been posting mysterious signs along the freeways of Southern California, attacking Bush and his cronies' war.

(My favorite? "Dear America / Thanks for all the money / sorry about your kids. / -Halliburton Oil")

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Allah Is In The House

You know blogging has hit the big time when the One True God signs up: Allah Is In The House

Friday, September 05, 2003

Global Rich List

I'm the 214,596,101 richest person on earth!

Discover how rich you are! >>

Thursday, September 04, 2003

Jessica Lynch Agrees to $1M Book Deal

America's Hero™ Jessica Lynch has, it seems, gotten herself a $1,000,000 book deal. For what? She doesn't remember what happened to her or her unit in Iraq.

I, for one, would like to see a little money headed toward the staff of that hospital in Nassiriya, who protected Private Lynch.

But they're not bestseller material, I guess.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Tuesday, September 02, 2003


There's one thing that hasn't really been pointed out much in all the Britney/Christina/Madonna lesbo smoochathon at the recent MTV awards thingy. Britney is 21. Christina is 22. Madonna is 45.

Heck, if a middle-aged woman can make out with two hot young chicks on national television, there's hope for me after all!

The Accursed Quayle Statue

Former Veep Dan Quayle's life-sized marble bust is about to be dedicated in the US Capitol -- but at what cost? Two of the artists commissioned to produce the sculpture died while working on it. As Paul Harvey might put it, "No...known...connection..."


Good news about American society, as demonstrated through advertising: we are now comfortable with African-Americans to be the butt of the joke.

Not in the old, racist, ha-ha-black-people-are-so-dumb kind of way, but in the new, improved, these-are-some-people-who-just-happen-to-be-black way. Hooray for us!

Monday, September 01, 2003


I don't suppose any of you out there in Blogistan have any idea what I did with my automobile registration sticker, now do you?


It was a rather overcast and October-ish Labor Day today. Perfect weather for enjoying the autumnal Norwegian dreamy folkpop of Ephemera. (Download Gift / Saddest Day / Hey (Nanana) ReFraîched chillmix now! You'll be glad you did!)


Wolf Blitzer's Question of the day, 9/1/03: How would you rate President Bush's efforts to fight unemployment?

Good - 2% (336 votes)
Fair - 1% (125 votes)
Poor - 97% - (16486 votes)

(as of this posting)

There's a corpse that's got really big tits!

It looks like Ah-nold has decided not to attend the California recall candidates' debate this week.

Which is a real shame, because if the commentary track on the Conan the Barbarian DVD is any indication, it would've been pretty fucking hilarious:
John Milius: You're totally innocent here. ... You've never had any kind of fight with anybody. ... All you can rely on is animal reaction.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Oh yeah, that's right. I remember now. That guy was biting me seriously, huh? ... Then I break his arm.

JM: There's nothing, nothing slick about that fight. It's just ...

AS: ... just the pounding him in the head and then breaking his head.

This kind of exchange is common in the Conan commentary; every time Milius attempts to elevate the discussion with comments like "Conan is an intellectual ... a man of deep philosophies," Schwarzenegger pounds it back down again, giving away Conan's ending 10 minutes into the film and repeatedly stating the obvious, as in, "Now we are running," and "Now he's putting [the sword] in the snow." The two leer at every female who comes onscreen, including a limbless, gutted torso about which Schwarzenegger cries, "There's a corpse that's got really big tits!" At one point, the star boasts to his director, "I was getting laid a lot in this movie. It was amazing. ... Remember, she was, like, totally sweating and oiled up, huh?" then adds: "It was a great scene, actually, because it was done really tastefully." Just as Milius' high-minded references predictably zoom over Schwarzenegger's head, Schwarzenegger's sometimes surreally naive line of questioning (he doesn't appear to know what a mill does, what grain is for, or where it comes from, nor does he remember that there was a sequel to Conan and that he starred in it) accidentally draws the viewer into closer scrutiny of the plot's most gaping holes.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Monday, August 25, 2003

Being the diehard Fox News fanatic that I am, I was ecstatic when I saw that there was a new book about the network. I mean, there was a picture of Bill O'Reilly on the cover, and the words "fair and balanced", and everything! So I bought it, and started reading.

But this new book from Fox News only had bad things to say about Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter, and Bill O'Reilly, and Fox News itself!

Why would Fox News put out a book like that?
Paper Beats Rock (but watch out for the scissors!)
The following comes from the cached version of a Yahoo search for a joint MIT/University of Chicago study mentioned in Al Franken's recent book, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.
Sendhil Mullainathan of MIT and Marianne Bertrand of the University of Chicago conducted a study between July 2001 and May 2002 in which they responded to 1,250 job advertisements in Boston and Chicago. They sent four applications in response to each job ad; two applications contained "black-sounding names" (derived statistically from birth records, the names included "Tamika," "Tyrone," etc.) and two applications contained "white-sounding names" (Amy, John, etc.). One each was of "high quality" (lots of qualifications) and were equivalent; the others were of average quality (fewer qualifications) and were equivalent. The names and resume contents were randomly matched up in such a way that black-sounding names appeared above resume contents that for other job applications white-sounding names were attached to (and vice versa). The black-sounding and white-sounding resumes were thus not just equivalent---they were identical

Through the study, Drs. Mullainathan and Bertrand were told by many professionals, "Oh yes, you'll see discrimination all right---reverse discrimination!" However, this is not what they found

They found that one of ten white-sounding job applicants received a callback for an interview, while only one of fifteen black-sounding job applicants did. This indicates decisively that some discrimination is going on based on the perceived race (through name) of the job applicants

Further, they found that those high-quality resumes with white-sounding names are 30% more likely to receive a callback than their average-quality counterparts. However, high-quality resumes with black-sounding names are not more likely to receive a callback than their counterparts. (There is apparently a very minute improvement for high-quality resumes with black-sounding names, but it is too small an improvement to derive reliable conclusions

This is absolutely significant. At a time when many claim that we have achieved racial equity, a time when many are arguing against affirmative action based on the fatuous presumption that it has fulfilled its mission, this study sweeps away their arguments completely. According to the authors of the study, you can pretty much pick a week of the study, and the long-term trends show themselves; thus, the date was not a factor. You can pretty much pick a business size too---from small businesses to large firms with HR staff, all sizes of business show this same dispicable racism in the application process

For more on this study, you can read the New York Times piece by Alan Krueger over on J Bradford DeLong's blog, or you can listen to the Tavis Smiley show segment [RealAudio] (which includes an interview with Dr. Bertrand) or the hour-long Connection interview with Dr. Mullainathan.

When the study is published, I will post my further thoughts on this topic, and point to any online resource that publishes it.

Saturday, August 23, 2003

Hey, you remember way back in '99, when everybody was worrying about what we were going to call the first decade of the twenty-first century? Well, it's still going on. Some idiot Australians proposed calling it the (ugh) Noughties. Other morons suggest the Hundreds, the Oughts, the Oughtas, or the Nulls.

If you must call this decade something, just call it the Zeros and be done with it.

Makes ya wish that the fucking computers had all blown up with the Y2K whatchamathingy.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

You Will Feel No Pain

On a recent trip to the mountains, one of our operatives was introduced, at the Lakeshore Resort at Plumas County's Bucks Lake, to a most remarkable beverage. It was a most pleasing summer drink, cold and refreshing, tasting of peach, orange and pineapple. And most of all, powerful. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...the Treesmacker:
  • 1 pint Peach Schnapps
  • 1 pint Apple Schnapps
  • 1 pint Rum
  • 1/2 cup Pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup Orange juice
  • 1/2 cup Sour mix
  • Grenadine
  • 1 splash 151 proof rum
Mixing instructions:
Add liquors, then add juices. Color red with grenadine. Float the 151. Serve in large Mason Jar for authenticity.
Upon reflection, the amounts listed are probably for 4 or 5 servings.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Fiesta La Ballona 2003

We are in the middle of Fiesta La Ballona, and although I haven't taken the time to go to downtown Culver City, tomorrow night, at the very least, I'm planning to go see Hot Club of Cowtown down at the City Hall.

Monday, August 18, 2003

The money never stops

From : maryam abacha
Subject : please help me and my Family
Date : Thu, 07 Aug 2003 12:10:47 +0100

PLS REPLY TO MY PRAVATE BOX maryambbbb@mailsurf.com
I am Hajia Maryam Abacha, widow of the Late Gen. Sani Abacha former Nigerian
Military Head of State who died as a result of cardiac arrest.

The name of you company appeared in one of our directories as one of the
companies my late husband wanted to do business withen before he died.
I therefore decided to contact you in confidence so that I can be able to move
out the sum of US$35,760,000.00 ( Thirty Five Million Seven hundred and Sixty
Thousand U. S. Dollars ) which was secretly
defaced and seal in big metal box for security reasons in your account.

I personally therefore appeal to you for your urgent assistance to move this
money into your country where I believe it will be safe since I cannot leave the
country due to the restriction of movement imposed on
me and members of my family by the Nigerian government.

You can contact me through, or my family lawyer . Upon the receipt of your
acceptance to assist me, my lawyer shall arrange with you for a face to face
meeting outside Nigeria in order to liaise with him towards the effective
completion of this transaction.

However, arrangement has been put in place to move this money out of the country
in batches in a secret vault through a diplomatic security company to any of the
European country as soon as you indicate your
interest. I also want you to be assured that all necessary arrangement for the
hitch-free of thistransaction has been concluded.

Conclusively, I have decided to offer you 25% of the total sum 5% will be for
whatever expenses that will be incurred, while 70% is to be used in buying share
in your company subsequent to our free movement by the Nigerian government.

Please reply urgently and treat with absolute confidentiality and sincerity.
PLS REPLY TO MY PRAVATE BOX maryambbbb@mailsurf.com
Best regards,

HAJIA Maryam.


Sunday, August 17, 2003



Way back in March 1992, the late, lamented Spy magazine ran an expose on Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was even then widely expected to run for governor sooner or later. There were the by now well-documented allegations of infidelity ("It's just a couple of plo-jobs...", but one of the more interesting finds was a photo of the young bodybuilder, flexing, and fully nude. I can't locate my own copy of the issue just yet, but these days everything of interest can be found on somebody's blog.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Daily Kos: California Supremes expected to rule on recall

Daily Kos has a very compelling post questioning whether or not there will even be a replacement election in the recall race. It all comes down to two little words: if appropriate.

*** UPDATE ***
The California Supreme Court has declined to hear several challenges to the recall election. 500 candidates it is!

Tuesday, August 05, 2003


Are you a teenage girl who wants to keep up with the word of God, but doesn't want to look like a total loser? Now there's Revolve, a version of the New Testament in fashion magazine format. Girls agree: it's totally cool.


Fagen: You've worked with many directors, each who must present a different set of problems for the composer. I have a list here. What was it like working for Bertolucci?

Morricone: Bellisimo!

Fagen: Pontecorvo?

Morricone: He is my old friend, bellisimo!

Fagen: John Boorman?

Morricone: Bellisimo!

Fagen: Terence Malick?

Morricone: A man with bad luck but bello, bellisimo!

Fagen: Roman Polanski?

Morricone: Bellisimo!

Fagen: Brian De Palma?

Morricone: Bellisimo!

Fagen: Leone?

Morricone: Bellisimo!

(Donald Fagen interviews Ennio Morricone.)

Monday, August 04, 2003

MRJEFF update:

Senator Orrin Hatch has introduced a constitutional amendment which would allow foreign-born American citizens to hold the office of President, calling the current restriction against foreign-born candidates "an anachronism that is decidedly un-American."
In a statement Hatch gave to introduce his legislation, which is titled the Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment, he said many foreign-born citizens of all parties are loyal Americans who should have a legal opportunity to be considered for president.

"These include former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright; current Cabinet members Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Mel Martinez; as well as Jennifer Granholm, the governor of Michigan and bright young star of the Democratic Party," he said.

Also, he noted that thousands of foreign-born members of the military now never could be elected to lead the country for which they fought. "No matter how great their sacrifice, leadership or love for this country, they remain ineligible to be a candidate for president. This amendment would remove this unfounded inequity," he said.

(Hatch has always been, for me, one of the more uncategorizable politicians. He's a Republican and devout Mormon, but a friend of Teddy Kennedy. He'll support commonsense stuff like the above, and then turn around and try to blow up your computer.)

The Prior-Art-O-Matic

mrjeff3000 is a false moustache that can light cigarettes, won't make a hole in your wallet and makes virtually no noise whatsoever.

National Prayer Day

California gubernatorial candidate and Hustler publisher Larry Flynt hits the politics/pornography/prayer trifecta with his latest project, a national day of prayer -- for the death of Bill O'Reilly

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Pretty cool, eh?

You're Newfoundland. You're not a complex person,
but it's not because you're not intelligent;
you just perfer the simpler things in life. You
can work hard and bear harder misfortunes than
most. It's too bad people underestimate you
because you're one tough S.O.B. when need be.

What Canadian Province Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Those Wacky Canadians, part XXXVI...


Friday, August 01, 2003

Newsday.com - It Could Be a Long, Quirky Ballot

I can't decide if this is really, really cool, or if we in California are soooo fucking fucked.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Our good friends at Rashomon reference a recent Gallup poll that suggests a popular backlash against gay rights. I must say that I don't find that poll particularly credible in the long run -- at the very least, the acceptance situation has never been better for homosexuals in North America, and I suspect, even with temporary regional setbacks, things will only get better.

Seven of the nine Democratic presidential candidates recently spoke in a Human Rights Campaign forum. Three said they support same-sex marriage. (All nine answered a questionnaire [.pdf] from the HRC.) The right to marry (or at the very least its legal equivalent) is a very real possibility, within the very near future.

I notice two things from the poll: One - "[T]he level of support for legal homosexual relations has dropped 10-12 points in a period of just two months." This indicates to me that these are the people whose support was weak at best, and who probably shouldn't have been counted upon too strongly in earlier polls. Two - "The same basic patterns exist in both samples: (1) young Americans are more tolerant than older Americans..." I, for one, believe that children are our future. Today's youth has grown up with the idea (by and large) that you don't discriminate against gays, and they're going to stick to that notion.

David Brooks, every liberals' favorite conservative pundit, recently had this to say, on PBS's Newshour:
By almost two to one, people under 30 approve of it and say homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle. I see it in my own conservative insular world like many conservatives and people in the Bush White House, when I wake up in the morning, I log on to Andrew Sullivan.Com, a gay conservative web logger writing from Provincetown. All these Republicans, their first human contact in the morning is with a gay Catholic. That's just typical of the way the whole issue is changing. So there is another saying that intellectual history moves forward in a hearse. And I think there will be a gradual move as this young generation goes through the age groups of a greater and greater acceptance of gay marriage.

Now, I'm not fooling myself -- things ain't perfect. But we've come a hell of a long way. And the complaints of a few medievalist zealots isn't going to turn the momentum around.

America is ready.


Ah, summer -- there's no better time to, ah, hang out at the beach.

Don't be hatin', y'all.

Place yer bets!

Almost alone among generally lefty media outlets, TAPPED isn't coming out with a knee-jerk anti attitude toward DARPA's now-cancelled FutureMAP program. As TAPPED points out, "Though the terrorism futures market sounds grotesque -- and the notion of betting for or against future terrorist attacks is undeniably macabre in conception -- it's simply a tool." (At Eschaton, too.)

The question we need to be asking is not "Is this unseemly?" but rather, "Does it work?"

UPDATE: Here's how newsfutures.com is looking at this story. (They're a site that does much the same thing, only without getting yelled at by the Senate.)

Monday, July 28, 2003

Friendster - Glenda

Glenda is the first person I've come across who I'm linked to though two completely different pathways (Kelli -> Daniel -> Kimberly ->Glenda and Tom -> Tulip/Joan -> Beer -> Glenda) And, as she lives in Brooklyn, I think that makes her the anti-MRJEFF.

We must never meet.

The Board of Eco International
Bank with head office in Lagos,
Date: 26th/July/2003

President Ceo,

Permit me to introduce myself. I am Mrs.Comfort Okocha, a member
of The Board of Eco International Bank with head office in
Lagos, Nigeria.
I am the executive director in charge of Accounts and
Managements Department of the bank.

The Board of directors have mandated me to contact the next of
kin to our late client Mr. Ramash Hoh, may his soul rest in
peace. Mr. Hoh died in a ghastly auto accident on his way from
vacation along with members of his family, on the 21st of April
last 2002 year, and all efforts to contact his immediate family
members have been in vain,Mr. Hoh is a Malaysian citizen and the
Managing Director of Deep Blue Sea Services, his company was
involved in Oil exploration and drilling in Nigeria.

The late Mr. Hoh had both current and saving accounts with us,
estimated at, US $41,500,000 ($41.5Million) and I happen to be
his account manager when we received the unfortunate information
about his death and of his family members, we contacted his
country embassy to assist us to locate members of his family
back home in Malaysia, so that they can come forward to claim
his funds, but unfortunately after three months, the embassy
informed us that all efforts to trace his immediate family was

It was at this point that we decided to notify the Nigerian
authorities in line with laid down regulations. The authorities
then instructed our bank to place the fund in a special account
until the relatives of Mr. Hoh are found, which we did, but the
events of the last two weeks made the Board of our bank to hold
an emergency meeting to decide on what step to take.

The Federal Government of Nigeria wrote to us giving us till the
end of August this year 2003 to locate the relatives of the late
Mr. Hoh and release the funds to them or the money will be used
to assist the rebel forces in both Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone.

Our bank was not happy about this development because we felt
the money should be used to support charity organizations and
improve the poor health care system among other decaying social
infrastructures here. I then decided to act very fast to
intercept the government from their inhumane intentions. It was
at this point that I was mandated to contact you with the hope
that you will understand the urgency of this situation and
assist us prevent the government from achieving their selfish

I have made arrangements that your acceptance to cooperate with
us, I shall present you as the next of kin to the late Mr. Hoh.
So that the money will be released to you. Your nationality does
not matter as we have arranged provisions,as you could be an
uncle from his mothers side which equally makes you the next of
kin.I shall provide you with the vital informations about the
late Mr. Hoh as contained in our file. I have decided that 20%
of the money will go to Charity homes while the rest will be
shared between you and us.Some of the benefiting charity homes
will be nominated by you in your country while I shall nominate
the rest from my country.

Also my share will be invested for me for a period of two years
by you in any profit making venture you may decide and you will
be absolutely free to use your share in whatever you decide.

Sir, should you be interested to assist in this matter kindly
send to me your private Telephone and fax numbers for safe
communications. I however, want to assure you that your
in your ability to effectively handle this matter successfully.
Do not hesitate to contact me should you need additional
information or any clarifications so that we do not waste

I thank you very much while I look forward to your anticipated
prompt response.

Best regards.
Mrs.Comfort Okocha

A couple of new twists on this old favorite. It's good to see the scammers keeping up with current events.

Saturday, July 26, 2003

MRJEFF3000, your one-stop gateway for all things MRJEFF, has finally given in to the hype and has dispatched an agent to investigate the behemoth of hipness known as Friendster. Which almost certainly means that it is no longer hip in the least.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Elderly Man Crashes Into Farmer's Market (washingtonpost.com)

I'm surprised it took this long: a 79-year-old man has crashed his car into a northern Florida farmers' market.

And thus is born the hot new trend of the summer.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?"
"So there you are!"
Get your war on!

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Anti-gay motive believed in Fairfax man's death
The Associated Press
Last Updated 6:20 p.m. PDT Thursday, July 17, 2003
QUINCY, Calif. (AP) - A Fairfax man beaten to death here last weekend may have been killed because his alleged assailants thought he was gay, authorities told a Marin County newspaper.

During a two-day court hearing in this small Northern California town, two Plumas County men were charged with the beating and strangulation death of Marc Oldham. The Marin County resident was killed Sunday while vacationing at Bucks Lake, about 150 miles north of Sacramento.

Kevin Glen Rikard, 21, of Quincy pleaded innocent Thursday to the charges. Rikard and Johnathan Grant Appley, 21, also of Quincy, are accused of clubbing Oldham with a tree limb and strangling him because they allegedly thought he was gay. Appley didn't enter a plea.

A third defendant, 21-year-old Jesse William Rath of Cromberg, pleaded innocent to an accessory to murder charge.

While Oldham's family and friends say he was heterosexual, Plumas County Deputy District Attorney David Hollister said prosecutors have reason to believe the trio thought Oldham, 37, was gay, the Marin Independent Journal reported Thursday. Hollister wouldn't provide evidence to support that claim.

Appley and Rickard are also accused of robbery, a special circumstance charge that could carry the death penalty if tied to a murder conviction. Rath faces up to three years in prison if convicted.

It's unclear if Oldham knew his assailants before he was killed, but witnesses told authorities the group was seen together at a local bar that night, Hollister said.

Appley and Rikard were being held Thursday without bail in the Plumas County jail. Rath's bail was set at $50,000. All three men are set to appear back in court Aug. 13, when Appley is expected to enter a plea.

Sunday, July 13, 2003

You are in a twisty maze of passages, all alike.

>You are in a debris room filled with stuff washed in from the surface. A low wide passage
>with cobbles becomes plugged with mud and debris here, but an awkward canyon leads upward and west.
>A note on the wall says, "Magic word XYZZY."

Another Canadian who hates us.

Ali Ismail Abbas, the 12-year-old Iraqi whose arms were blown off and whose family was killed in the Coalition bombing of Baghdad, is on his way to Canada, possibly to be adopted by Falath Hafuth, an Ontario doctor.
On finally watching Minority Report:

Ya know what? Spielberg, and Cruise, and god knows how many other people involved with the making of this film, are just waaaaay too humanistic (and really, this applies to most Hollywood actors, writers and directors) to make a good, believable science fiction movie. The whole thing feels as though they came up with the plot twists and the ending first, and then with the rest of the story, and only then did they add just enough of a veneer of science and technology to make the effects look really cool...I mean -- cops with jetpacks? What's up with that???

Okay, I understand that nearly all directors, and nearly all writers, and every single actor has a worldview that is basically hostile to scientific thinking. Or, I suppose, legalistic thinking. I mean, this movie completely ignores the idea that there are lawyers in America, and millions of Americans who really do worry about innocent until proven guilty. Or all those personally targeted billboards -- whatever happened to opt out? Or, why hasn't the Defense Department taken control of the precogs? One might suggest that they'd be better put to use guarding the entire country against attack, than just guarding DC against random murders. (And, if after six murder-free years, anyone in DC still considered killing as a possible course of action...)

Or (to be heretical) one might suggest that it is worth it to commit one single murder in order to prevent hundreds.

Saturday, July 12, 2003

CNN.com - Tenet admits error in approving Bush speech - Jul. 12, 2003

Harry Truman: "The buck stops here."
George W. Bush: "Hey, don't blame me, man..."

CIA Director George Tenet has accepted the blame for that Iraq-buying-uranium-from-Niger line in Bush's State of the Union speech. So: Tenet takes the blame because he's the boss...but what abouthis boss?

Of course, the full analysis can be found at TPM.

Friday, July 11, 2003

c o r k d o l l . c o m

Blast from the past! Corkdoll: Philosopher

Mp3 Madness

I'm downloading mp3s like crazy tonight -- and it's all legal, thanks to epitonic.com. It's madness!

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Who the FUCK is Mister Jeff?

I don't find this amusing in the least.

In Which Elyse Calls Her Lawyer And Asks, "How Much Is A Restraining Order Again?"

And so we kick off Stalkwatch 2003 with an interview (from Steppin' Out magazine ("NY & NJ's #1 Entertainment Magazine!") with our current obsession, Elyse Sewell. Choice excerpts:

Does the winner automatically reach supermodel status?

I think that to attain true "supermodel" status, a girl must be more recognizable to the public than the vice president of the United States. Dick Cheney's last fashion spread in Marie Claire magazine occurred over two years ago, and his Revlon contract was terminated in the mid-'80s, so I think that the winner will fit the "supermodel" definition immediately.


When did you first start to realize you had what it takes to model?

At the age of 16, I was perusing the silk slipper selection in the open-air markets of Bangkok when an orange was thrown from a second-story window and struck me on the back of the head. As I tenderly caressed the contusion, it began to throb rhythmically. I whipped out my Morse Code decoder ring and deciphered this message: "Elyse, you have what it takes to model." I raced up a narrow staircase into the room from whence the orange had flown, but found only the remains of a Dionysian feast and six jet-black hairs plucked from the bonny head of the princess. As our ship was to leave port in five minutes, I was forced to abandon my sleuthing and race up the gangplank, for otherwise how could I gain passage back to Cape Hatteras? The source of the message remains a mystery to this day.

So, obviously, you can see why I blog so.


Okay, I'll admit it -- I watched most of last night's episodes of America's Next Top Model (the recap and the finale). Why? Because earlier that day I saw a clip of final candidate Elyse in the confessional bitch-booth ripping into the other next-top-model wannabes and I fell in love.

And then I watched and she turned out to be an out-of-the-closet atheist.

And then -- I shit you not -- she correctly used the word "hypothesis" where an ordinary moron would've said "theory".

It could happen, right?

Do I have time to add this excerpt?
When discussing who should win AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL, Adrianne remarked, "I think I deserve it because I came a really long way since I came here. I just try to do my best every time we do anything." Shannon explained, "When you give something like your best, you just give your all, you feel like you should be rewarded." Elyse differed completely in her assessment of the competition, saying, "I don't think that it's acceptable to say that anyone deserves to win this competition. It's really not a basic human right to get a modeling contract."
I think I need to do laundry tonight.

Note to MRJEFF3000 aficionados: The MRJEFF3000 Weblog ExperienceTM is not just a link-oriented blog. From time to time we will branch out into the microjournal category as well, in order to bring you, the MRJEFF3000 customer, the very finest in Internet Lifestyle EnhancementTM. We at MRJEFF3000 realize that you have your choice of literally hundreds of websites when you "surf" the Internet -- thank you so very much for inviting MRJEFF3000 into your home or workplace.
One of the MRJEFF3000 staffers was googling around today, and he came across an entertaining new blog from a fresh new voice. This young lady's writing style, it turns out, is quite clever, and we predict big things in her future. (***1/2!)

Of course, if fame and fortune pass her by, she can always continue at her data entry job, even if everyone there is "comatose or mentally retarded."

Friday, July 04, 2003

Although we at MRJEFF3000 have long been aware of the NPR news quiz show Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me, we have only just recently been made aware of Adam Felber's Fanatical Apathy. A sample:

Review of Less-Publicized Rulings from the Supreme Court’s 2002-2003 Term

Baird vs. Texas
– Ruling overturned the conviction of a Laredo man in a robbery wherein the prosecution’s case consisted solely of the facts that "he was black, and he was nearby."
Vote: 8-1
From the dissenting opinion (Clarence Thomas): "The man clearly looked guilty. This ruling opens the door for more and more "uppity" behavior from negroes everywhere. As Frederick Douglas might have written, black people don’t need your charity, they need a little discipline."

Kradick vs. Texas: Ruling overturned a murder conviction against a Tomball man who opted not to sleep with his girlfriend, thus failing to impregnate her.
Vote: 6-3
From the dissenting opinion (William Rehnquist): "Have we come to place so little value on human life that we can deafen ourselves to the cries of an infant whose right to be conceived was so grossly violated? Shame, shame…"

Turling vs. Black People: Ruling found a new Texas law making black people illegal to be unconstitutional.
Vote: 8-1
From the dissenting opinion (Thomas): "Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that it’s "okay" to be black. This is affirmative action at its most dangerous. Honestly, I don’t know what the other guys were thinking on this one."

What're you waiting for? Go on, check it out.

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

We at MRJEFF3000 are very sorry to report that there seems to be no Discovery Channel documentary titled Seven Minutes to Impact. (We were relying upon Mr. Renkin's curriculum vitae in this matter.) There does seem to be a Three Minutes to Impact, which may be at best tangentially related. If this is the sort of reliability we can expect from "Dan Renkin" -- if such a person truly does exist -- then MRJEFF3000 cannot in good conscience recommend his little Civil War puppet show.

Good day to you, sir.

I said, Good day!

Some people at MRJEFF3000 have pointed out that Mr. Renkin's printable resume does indeed have the correct title. Those people have been fired.
As usually brain-damaging as the FARK forums usually are, sometimes they will take an irritating grain of sand and create a beautiful pearl. Like when "RagingLeonard" compared Anne Coulter to Yeenoghu, Demon Prince of Gnolls.
Longtime friend of the MRJEFF3000 organization Dan Renkin (dot com!) writes, with information:
Last Weekend!

- Friday, July 4th at 7:00 pm in Washington Square Park (by the dog-run)
- Saturday, July 5th at 5:00 pm in Central Park, at the Lawn Below the Dairy
(around 65th Street).

After two weekends of torrential downpours and iffy-looking cloud cover, we
seem to be in the clear--this past weekend saw wonderful audiences and
fine-tuning of the piece:

A modern history play: The American Revolution! In verse, mingling low
comedy and high brows, lots of props and far too many wool jackets!

More information available at Inverse Theater

Note: "Last Weekend!" does not refer to the Saturday and Sunday that just passed. Rather, it tells us that this upcoming weekend will be the final -- last, if you will -- opportunity to view Mr. Renkin treading the proverbial boards in this particular theatrical work. We at MRJEFF3000 are confident that Mr. Renkin brings the same joie de vivre to, well, whatever the hell it is that he's doing in this play that he did to his groundbreaking work as "Doomed Man with Coffee" in the Discovery Channel's Seven Minutes to Impact. ****1/2

Sunday, June 29, 2003

I caught the League of Conservation Voters' debate with the Democratic candidates this afternoon. (On channel 7 -- broadcast TV, no less!) I think the Dems may actually have learned something from the disciplined lockstep of the Republicans -- the candidates have been refraining from attacking each other, and focusing on attacking Bush. I know, it's really early still, and once the primaries get close the infighting will probably begin, but things are looking a little hopeful for once.

On the California front, well, I just don't know. Car alarm kingpin/plutocrat/recall bankroller Darrell Issa is facing questions about his possible involvement in three auto thefts, in 1971, 1972, and 1980. And Ah-nold Schwarzenegger is starting to get coverage from real reporters, who might just ask some real questions along the way. Will it be enough? I wish I could believe in the inherent intelligence of the voting public, but I have seen too many elections to fall for that one again. (sigh.)

Saturday, June 28, 2003

The blogosphere is alive with posting upon posting about the recent Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas, including some discussion of Justice Scalia's typically bitter and sarcastic dissent. But not enough has been made, in the humble opinion of the MRJEFF3000 organization, of this passage from Scalia's, Rehnquist's and Thomas's dissent:
State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are likewise sustainable only in light of Bowers' validation of laws based on moral choices.

That's right -- these justices, the ones George W. Bush wants more of, are worried that the Lawrence v. Texas decision strikes down state laws against masturbation.
And, from the Woodland Daily Democrat:
Donald Ray Hefner, born April 15, 1919, passed away unexpectedly on June 24, 2003.

He was a fourth generation Californian in a family of agriculturalists and farmers. Phillip Hefner, the patriarch and Donald's great grandfather, arrived in California in 1849 and was engaged in the hay and grain business, along with farming instead of gold mining. By 1853, Phillip owned 1,800 acres of river bottom and upland property between Oroville and Marysville, on the East Side of the Feather River. Phillip was a very successful and influential orchard farmer and livestock rancher. His oldest son Frank married Fannie Mae Heckart, whose family arrived in California in 1865 after the Civil War and settled on cattle ranches half a mile east of today's Butte College. Donald Ray Hefner was born in Oroville, Butte County. He attended elementary and secondary schools in Oroville and later graduated from the University of California, Davis, with a bachelor of science degree in agriculture. Donald was an accomplished catcher on the Aggie's baseball team. Donald was twice elected captain and he earned three letters. Donald went on to be the starter for the Santa Ana Air Base, Mississippi Keesler Field, and Newfoundland Gander Air Base baseball teams. Donald enlisted in the United States Air Force in August 1941 and was honorably discharged in September 1945. In the course of his service he became a "90-Day Wonder" and ended up a first lieutenant. He went to work for Spreckels Sugar Company after the war ended and remained in their Agriculture Department for over 30 years until his retirement. Mr. Hefner's employment in the Spreckels Sugar Company's Agriculture Department was a happy time, with Hefner becoming the district manager for the last 13 years of his employment. Donald enjoyed his fellow co-workers and the civic duties that he was involved with while working for the sugar company. He became the President of the Woodland Chamber of Commerce, president of the Yolo County YMCA, and president of the Girl Scout Council. Hefner was very active in the interests of the Woodland Medical Clinic and was director of the Woodland Hospital Foundation for six years. He was a fundraiser for the Woodland Hospital Foundation and lured Spreckels Sugar Company into a $25,000 donation and C. Nelson Hackett into the gift of a 40-acre parcel worth $100,000, plus others. In 1946, when Hefner moved to Woodland the population was approximately 7,000 and ripe for the talents of "Donald R.," as he later became known. He was soon chairman of the Agriculture Committee, and his fun began. Along with Lou Meikle and Willie Marks, the three promoted the "Gracias Bracero Day." Senator Kuchel was in attendance of this special celebration. Next came the bus rides within the community to acquaint the local merchants of their treasures within their county. The merchants were treated to a royal lunch by Eyvind Faye who introduced them to a product that was not a local staple - huge French prunes soaked and injected with brandy. Everyone but the bus driver was happy! The next great-established event was the annual award for the "Outstanding Agriculture Business Person of the Year." Mr. Hefner felt that he had the unique knowledge of knowing people who worked for the community, but were not in the agriculture business just for the money - they were interested in the youth and the community too. Mr. Jim Leathers was the first choice for the Outstanding Agriculture Business Person of the Year. Mr. Hefner was the fourth person who received this award and blamed Jim Cranston for his selection. Donald R. always said that if he were a cow, he would no doubt have C. of C. on one hip and S.S.C. on the other. Buster Giovanetti had a great idea that he sold to Hefner and that was the Babe Ruth Baseball League. It was a real hit, with the assistance of Bill Griffith, Jim Leathers and everyone else in the community. In 1964 Woodland hosted the World Series. Fritz Erdman bailed the league out, thanks to Jim Leathers. Another new development was the Nelson's Grove campground and picnic area. Nelson's Grove sat in limbo until Don Hays and Hefner went to work on this project and turned this beautiful picnic area over to the YMCA. Dr. Nichols and Bill Griffith earlier worked on this project with the YMCA. President Nixon needed help in his re-election and sent his secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz; to speak at a luncheon attended by 600 community members at the Yolo County Fairgrounds. There was a television interview with speeches that were handled very professionally by Regnar Paulsen. Mr. Butz was elated by the event and presented Donald R. with a coveted memento, a set of rhinestone "RN" cuff links, for his dedicated efforts as chairman of the event. One important event that was not agriculturally oriented was the challenge of saving the Second Baptist Church from oblivion. The church was torched and the insurance money was held-up for sometime. Hefner and 11 other past Chamber of Commerce presidents took over the task of finances, site clearance, and the rebuilding of the church. The Rev. Lindsey and Harry Ackley were the nominal leaders of this project. The church was rebuilt and at the dedication Donald R. was asked to pass the collection plate, when he was also honored as the real leader of the pack. He did so in honor of Glen Gravink, and the Foley Foundation who donated the money for the church pews. After complete retirement, Mr. Hefner ran a dozen or so small localized funding drives in his area for the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, the Mothers March of Dimes, and others. Donald R. retired with the happy attitude of "done this, done that, I am going fishing." Hefner inherited an 86-acre parcel near Fairbanks, Alaska, from an uncle who was in the 1897 gold rush. This land parcel, plus a piece in Kodiak, made for enjoyable trips to Alaska with many a salmon and halibut on the fishing line. Mr. Hefner and his wife Lucille also spent many wonderful years fishing, hunting, reading and relaxing at their cabin at Bucks Lake. However, the last few years contained some bitter pills in the form of declining eyesight and heart disease that Donald R. bore with dignity and tolerance. No fishing, no mountain cabin, no hunting. "Papa Don" was a devoted husband, father, grandfather and friend who will be greatly missed by all. Mr. Hefner was preceded in death by his mother and father of Oroville, his first wife Ellora Doney, his beloved son Lynn Allen, son-in-law Paul Moore III, along with his brother Harold Hefner of Sacramento. He is survived by his wife Lucille, their children and their families: Donna DeVries and her husband Joe of Davis, and their children Jeff and Doney; Deborah Moore of Danville and her children, Ellora Cooper and husband Gary, Lisa Sanguinet and husband Jeff, and Paul IV; Scott Hefner and wife Diane of Dixon, and their children, Miles and Kevin; stepsons, Keith Mannee, Kent Mannee and wife Dena of Woodland, and their children Kristina, Ryan and Tamara Cartagena and husband Robert; daughter-in-law, Susan Hefner and her daughter Heidi Lynn of Woodland; and three adorable great grandchildren and numerous special friends. As requested by Donald R. there will be no memorial services, his family will celebrate his life at a private family gathering. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that those who wish to make memorial donations please send them to the Woodland Memorial Hospital Foundation, 1207 Fairchild Court, Woodland
I think this one cost $500 (for 15 or so column inches, I'm not surprised.)

Friday, June 27, 2003

Well. The old poop went and did it:
Donald Ray Hefner, a longtime Woodland resident and community booster, died unexpectedly on June 24, 2003. He was 84.

He was born on April 15, 1919, in Oroville, into a family of agriculturists with California roots dating to the 1850s. He attended schools in Oroville and later earned his bachelor's degree from UC Davis, where he was a catcher and captain on the baseball team.

Hefner continued playing baseball for military teams after enlisting in the U.S. Air Force in August 1941. He rose to the rank of first lieutenant. He went to work for Spreckels Sugar Company after World War II, remaining in its agriculture department for more than 30 years, the last 12 as district manager.

Hefner, who moved to Woodland in 1946, served as president of the Woodland Chamber of Commerce, the Yolo County YMCA and the local Girl Scout Council. He helped establish the Outstanding Agriculture Business Person of the Year award -- an award he later received himself.

He also played a key roll in the growth of the local Babe Ruth Baseball League, which brought its world series to Woodland in 1964, in the creation of the Nelsons Grove campground and picnic area, and, with other past Chamber presidents, led the rebuilding of the Second Baptist Church after it was destroyed by fire.

After retiring, Hefner also ran several local fund drives for the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, the Mothers March of Dimes and others.

He enjoyed fishing for salmon and halibut and hunting on land in Alaska passed down in his family since the 1897 gold rush. When poor eyesight and heart disease slowed his Alaska hobbies, he continued to maintain his flower garden.

" Papa Don" will be remembered as a devoted husband, father, grandfather and friend, his family said.

He was preceded in death by his first wife Ellora Doney, son Lynn Allen, son-in-law Paul Moore III and brother Harold Hefner.

He is survived by his wife Lucille and their children and their families: daughter Donna DeVries, her husband Joe and their children Jeff and Doney; daughter Deborah Moore and her children: Ellora Cooper and her husband Gary, Lisa Sanguinet and her husband Jeff, and Paul IV; son Scott Hefner, his wife Diane and their children: Miles and Kevin; stepson Keith Mannee; stepson Kent Mannee, his wife Dena and their children: Kristina, Ryan and Tamara Cartagena and her husband Robert; daughter-in-law Susan Hefner and her daughter Heidi Lynn; three great grandchildren; and numerous special friends.

As requested by the deceased, no memorial service will be held. His family will celebrate his life at a private gathering.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks donations be made to the Woodland Memorial Hospital Foundation, 1207 Fairchild Court, Woodland, CA.

Of course, when they say "By Enterprise staff" what they really mean is "obituary written by the deceased, and edited somewhat by Enterprise staff." Or something like it. No link yet at the Democrat. Maybe tomorrow.

Friday, June 20, 2003

A lovely SNL parody of Bill "No-Spin" O'Reilly can be found here, until such time as NBC shuts 'em down.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Uzbekistan Watch, Part II...
Ruslan Sharipov, an Uzbek journalist and leader of a human rights group has been arrested and charged with homosexuality and what seems to be soliciting minor males for sex for money. Sharipov acknowledges his homosexuality, but denies the other accusations, calling his arrest a "political order".

Thursday, June 12, 2003

The futuristic vehicle known as the Segway is reputed to be incredibly stable. Despite its two-wheeled configuration, its sophisticated gyroscopes and computers make it practically foolproof!

Practically foolproof.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

What are country radio media consultants telling stations about the Dixie Chicks these days?
We've been very carefully tracking a massive quantity of local research on Chicks music over the last six weeks in client callout, gold testing and internet research and can assure you that heavy users of country radio have not changed at all in their positive acceptance of a large volume of Dixie Chick music.  There are at least seven Chicks songs which when tested in the last few weeks were called "a favorite" by at least one third of all respondents.
Pragmatically speaking, failing to play the most popular songs of your target listeners for political reasons creates a major vulnerability, which can be used against you by a competitor.

(From McVay Media.)

Monday, June 02, 2003

Some kind souls are hosting an mp3 of the recent Franken/O'Reilly unpleasantness. (Warning: it's a 53.5 MB download!) You don't get to see O'Reilly's angry scowl, or his Miami Vice-inspired jacket and t-shirt combo, but then, this is a cruel world.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Bush lied.
People died.

Daily Kos pretty much sums it up.

Saturday, May 31, 2003

If you didn't get a chance to see Al Franken and Bill O'Reilly going at it during a BookExpo America panel on C-SPAN2's Book TV, whoooooeee, baby! you missed a hell of a show. (We don't seem to get C-SPAN2 here in Culver City, but they stream their programming (RealPlayer), (Windows Media), so I caught the rerun online.)

It is really astoundingly easy to push Mr. O'Reilly's buttons.

(Oh, yeah -- Molly Ivins was there, too, playing the voice of reason.)
Well, duh.