Now that I've got an official-type Web 2.0 logo, I'm ready to sell this blog. $40 million ought to be about right.
via the Web 2.0 Logo Creator
Being a Collection of Whimsickal and Merrye Observations, on the Current State of Affaires, and the Human Condition, from the very Pen of your humble Correspondant
With 95 percent of the precincts reporting, Lamont led Lieberman 52 percent to 48 percent, according to The Associated Press.
Also on Tuesday night, Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney lost in a runoff to Democratic challenger Hank Johnson.
Sen. Joseph Lieberman conceded to anti-war cable executive Ned Lamont in the Democratic primary for the Connecticut Senate nomination Tuesday night but vowed to run as an "independent Democrat" this fall