He saw some bright pink bougainvillea down near the beach.

(Actually, by this point I had gone down the giant stairway at Fourth and Adelaide, and was now in Pacific Palisades.)
Being a Collection of Whimsickal and Merrye Observations, on the Current State of Affaires, and the Human Condition, from the very Pen of your humble Correspondant
MATTHEWS: What's the picture of the year for this election? What's going to be the iconic picture this year, like--like that speech at Normandy was for President Reagan back in '84?
Ms. NOONAN: The picture of the year will be a wire service picture that will win a Pulitzer Prize that captures in some interesting way the fact that Bush, under terrible pressure, has been dogged, and has stood by his guns.
Ms. NOONAN: It hasn't been taken yet.
ERIC BURNS: Al Neuharth, moderate, founder of "USA Today" says this: "The war in Iraq is the biggest military mess miscreated in the Oval Office and miscarried by the Pentagon in my 80-year lifetime." Neuharth wants the troops out of Iraq and President Bush out of office. Neuharth says Bush should not run for re-election.Mr. Thomas is, of course, himself an "opinion writer". I'll let you create your own syllogisms.
Cal, "USA Today," largest circulation of any paper in the country, not a liberal fashion by any means. What does it mean that the founder of this paper has turned on the administration?
CAL THOMAS: Nothing. He's no Walter Cronkite and this is not Vietnam. To make an over-the-top comment like Al Neuharth did that this is worse than ever, ignores Vietnam and the experience, which was a far worse war with far more casualties. Being an opinion writer is like being a perpetual adolescent. You can have opinions on everything and take responsibility for nothing. His opinions don't mean anything. They don't have all the facts.
BURNS: There are some shows on all-news cable in which the opinions do matter though, don't you think?
THOMAS: Oh yes, on ours, of course, and including the one I just I gave.
BURNS: Not to be too defensive.
"About four years ago, a local Christian radio station began broadcasting 'rock' of the 'Christian variety.' At first, I accepted only the light stuff. Within months, I found myself listening to heavier and heavier stuff. I thank God that my parents and I came to an agreement on the music I will listen to."
"The 'Christian rock' dominated my life for over a year until I could not get the same satisfaction I received the first time I heard it. I went to secular rock music and kept this desire and sin from my parents. I started out on soft music and grew to pop/rock-type music"
"God gave me the conviction to not listen to evil Christian contemporary music. He made me free in my soul!"
"I lived in the bondage of this music and the bondage of the music of my friends' preference, which was not very good either, to say the least. I realized that this ungodly music did not glorify God and never will."
"For many years I listened to 'Christian rock' and excused it because I was not listening to secular rock. I loved going to concerts and enjoying myself. Then I went to one 'Christian rock' concert, and one of the lead singers was dressed in a tank top and tight jeans. I was not sure what to do."
"I felt really proud that everybody else was listening to regular rock and I was listening also, but mine had Christian lyrics. One day as I was listening to this music I switched the station to FM and I was shocked to hear the same song on a secular station!"
"'Christian rock' deafened my Christian 'immune system' (conscience) to rock music."
"What got me into this was my friend who accidentally left a tape behind. I picked it up and listened to it. I was immediately hooked and listened to it constantly. About two weeks later I started listening to 'rock and roll.'"
"Whenever I walk into my youth group, rock is being played. I feel Satan's control start to tighten."
"When we were together we listened to 'Christian' and 'soft rock' music. It was all sensuous and destroyed my inhibitions. I am so ashamed of what happened."
"On September 2, 1989, I went to a 'Christian rock' concert. While I was there, I danced, screamed, and sang in ways that were displeasing to God."
To say we are honored by Col. North's partnership with our ministry would be an understatement," NDP Vice Chairman Jim Weidmann said. "He is a man of integrity and faith who has conducted himself with tremendous personal strength and grace during some very difficult circumstances. With this year's theme and because of the Colonel's recent war coverage for FOX News, we couldn't be more pleased to have him as our Honorary Chairman.