Thursday, April 29, 2004

itmsfree.jpg 470x150 pixels

Free songs from iTunes! One a day, this week; one every week after that.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

SignMaker Central

Note to self: Play with's excellent SignMaker Central when you get home.

Ask MetaFilter | Community Weblog

Timely info, from Ask MetaFilter.

Monday, April 26, 2004

MRJEFF's apartment .com

Everything in my apartment has a website. Everything.

Friday, April 23, 2004

CPFC BBS Archive - Favourite songs about drugs

This message board thread makes me have bad feelings in my brain.

"There She Goes"?

"Another Girl, Another Planet"?!?

(just say no!)

Shakespeare Resource Center - An Encapsulated Biography

Happy Birthday, Bill! (probably)

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Mr 3000 - The Official Movie Website


DAMMIT! I better see a piece of the action here, Touchstone!

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Cosmic 419er lost in space | The Register

I've gotten several of those "419" Nigerian spam scams (no doubt you have too), but none of them can hold a candle to this one. (The Register didn't make the obvious joke; neither will I.)

Saturday, April 10, 2004

ACA: Cornhole Tournaments

Who says Fark doesn't teach you useful information? Where else would you learn about the American Cornhole Association? (Cincinnati seems to be just full fo cornholers!)

Brad Carson for Senate

When Coolio said, "There ain't no party like a West Coast party, because a West Coast party don't stop," he must have been talking about Western Oklahoma.

(Brad Carson for Senate)

Friday, April 09, 2004


Rance. Supposedly an anon-o-blog of a fairly well-known actor, possibly Owen Wilson.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

The Trommetter Times: Annoying Democrats

I Am Linked! I can't exactly say how, or why, but it is so. ALL HAIL MRJEFF.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004


Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Star Wars: Episode III | Episode III Release Dates Announced

I have already scheduled a sick day.

Monday, April 05, 2004

FilmForce: An Interview with Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert is a big dorky nerdy dork. Cool!

The Blogging of the President: 2004

If you haven't heard much about the recent Daily Kos/Fallujah atrocities comment brouhaha, this piece at The Blogging of the President: 2004 condenses it down pretty well.

Air America

Two blogs from your pals at Air America Radio:


Thursday, April 01, 2004

Riders In The Sky News

Shocking news today from MRJEFF favorites Riders In The Sky:

Harmony Ranch, Nashville, TN.— April 1, 2004 —

In a stunning move, Riders In The Sky announced today a personnel change, the first in more than a quarter century for the storied western group.

In an amicable parting of the ways, fiddling fan favorite Woody Paul will leave the group and be replaced immediately by Mikey, an Atlanta-based musician with extensive film and TV credits.


"We wish Woody the best," commented Riders' guitarist Ranger Doug. "I won't deny the shock we all felt at first when Woody told us his plans, but we'll come out of this stronger than we've ever been. The great ones always re-invent themselves and that's what we'll do. It's the Cowboy Way."

Reinvention indeed. The Riders are, to a man, agreed that no-one could replace Woody, but they're betting the ranch that fans will soon fall in love with Mikey just like they did. "He's a fine musician," enthused Ranger Doug. "You wouldn't believe a two year old chimpanzee could cop all of Woody's licks but he sure does. If anything, his intonation may be even better."


Any downside to this rosy picture? "I had some issues about bus hygiene," said Too Slim. "But when I saw him pee in a bottle I said 'That's our monkey!'"

When asked about the future, Ranger Doug waxed philosophic. "You know, chimps that take care of themselves can expect to live 65 years. It's possible that once we've all checked out, Mikey could inherit Riders In The Sky and keep the legacy going. Since some scientists believe we're descended from apes, and Mikey would, in a sense, be descended from us, it would come full circle. Yes, a nice thought."

In other news, Too Slim noted that it's April Fool's Day.

Not sure about that irrelevant bit at the end, but good luck to you guys!